The Lumberfox (Geekrotica) Read online

Page 5

  “Don't need to. I was a Boy Scout.”

  As he took her nipple into his mouth through the t-shirt, he held out a condom pulled from his pocket. Tara gasped with pleasure, joy radiating through her as she realized that he'd wanted this as much as she had, all morning. That he'd figured all was lost and yet had still held out hope. And also that they could fuck right here in the elevator instead of waiting a single moment longer.

  The warm wetness of his mouth soaked the shirt as he played with her nipples, and she felt moisture pool below as she worked his cock through the thin fabric of his pants. When she reached down his waistband to take his hot length in greedy fingers, he groaned and shoved down her pants and lifted her up so her bare ass was resting on the brass bars that ran around the elevator, a little above waist-high. The metal was cold against her skin, making her all the more sensitive in the overheated car. She wrapped her hands around the bar, and his tongue slipped back into her mouth as he broke the condom wrapper and rolled it down. He didn't stop kissing her as he ran a knuckle up and down her cleft, sliding a finger in and out to test her readiness. Her whimper told him everything he needed to know about what she wanted.

  The first nudge against her folds nearly drove her insane, but with her ass on the bar, she couldn't urge him in faster. She was pinned there, and he took full advantage of her position to inch in with teasingly slow, sweet slowness. It was an angle she'd never tried, and her muscles clenched desperately as she strained to take more and more of him. Her tongue lapped at his mouth, begging for more, and he kissed her back with the same maddening patience, his knuckle rubbing her clit. She was already so close, but he refused to speed up and bring her what she wanted, what she needed. When she made a small sound of frustration in the back of her throat, he chuckled into her mouth and gave a sudden, powerful push, fully taking her and slamming her ass into the mirrored wall.

  Tara opened her eyes and was greeted by the prettiest thing she'd ever seen: a completely hot guy banging her in an elevator full of mirrors. She would've come right then, but he withdrew and started the slow, relentless thrust all over again. Her breathing sped up, the pressure building as he brushed that soft, sweet place deep inside her and withdrew again. They found a rhythm that suited them both, their tongues curling together as his knuckle rubbed her and his cock stroked her inside, slick and wet. He opened his eyes, too, and at first, she was shy. But then she realized it was hot as shit, him watching her watch them, and she broke from the kiss and nibbled on his ear, ogling over his shoulder as his ass flexed in the mirror.

  “I'm really glad you unsafed in,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Woo--” she started, and he froze.

  “Would you please fuck me harder?”

  Ryon rewarded her with a pounding thrust that rocked her right to the edge. She bit his shoulder, her thighs straining against the bar and her breath heaving as he pummeled her into her climax and held her as she shuddered into a million glittering shards.

  With her head on his shoulder and her arms wrapped around him, she whispered, “You make me feel as sparkly as the snow.”

  * * *

  When the elevator opened on the fourteenth floor, Mac was standing there in workout clothes, looking pissed.

  “Seriously, Brubaker?”

  Tara giggled, and Ryon put his arm around her and ushered her out of the elevator, which smelt distinctly of wild monkey sex.

  “Deadly serious, man. They need to get a technician out here or something. This thing's always breaking down.”

  Mac stepped into the car, his nose wrinkled up. “Febreze, man. Febreze is your friend.”

  As soon as the doors closed, Tara and Ryon burst into laughter and hurried back to his apartment, where they curled up on the couch with crème brulee, homebrew beer, and a fluffy blanket to watch The Empire Strikes Back.

  “To Hothlanta,” Ryon said, holding up his beer.

  “To not Wookiees,” she answered, clinking her glass against his.

  He tucked her more firmly against his chest. “You know, I hear it's going to snow again next week. You should probably just stay awhile. Odds are you'll just get snowed in again.”

  Tara turned her head to kiss his cheek. “Never tell me the odds.”

  “I love it when you quote geek shit.”

  Little thrills shot through her heart.

  “I know,” she answered.

  Coming Soon in the Geekrotica Series:




  If you enjoyed this story, please check out the Blud series from Pocket Books

  by my alter ego, Delilah S. Dawson.




  and the Blud e-novellas




  You can find out about upcoming works and events on my website,

  Thanks for reading!